Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I'm going to try to post some of the photos from our recent 4th of July trip to Ft. Parker. It was 104 degrees so if in some of the pics the subjects appear to be melting---you'll know why.

This was one of the first things we saw...not really off to the start I was hoping for.

So after seeing the posted alligator warnings what do we do?

You guessed it--we got in the water!

My Jarrett was a natural in that kayak--like his mother of course....ha!

This was a kind of quiet spot back up the river. It was very pretty here, but I'm guessing that this is where the alligators spend most of their time. It was a bit swampy.

Have you ever seen a buzzard up close? Never really wanted to until I found one that would let me sneak up on him and take his picture. He looks a little sad....probably just the heat. That and maybe no dead things around for him to snack on.....you just never know I guess.

My husband calls these cecada's (sp?) but we always called them locusts when I was a kid. He tells the story that when he was young they would tie a string around them and then fly them around like little bug kites. Not sure the SPCA would have approved of that, but what are you going to do?

This is all I can post for tonight. It's only taken about 5 million hours to get my pictures downloaded and then to figure out how to get them here. Please don't judge my photography skills by these pictures. I have had a tough time converting them to JPEG's and downloading them. The actual photos are much better. I'm just not as tech savvy as I hope to one day be.
Good night everyone! Remember, if you don't always feel blessed, perhaps that's because it's your turn to be the blessing.

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